NAGB Intern, Alexis Murray
I want to become a Pediatric nurse when I am older. As a child whenever my mother got sick I would cater to her, like a nurse would for their patient. Becoming a nurse is my desire, my dream. If nursing doesn’t work out for me, my back up plan is to become an Interior Designer and the NAGB helps everyone to have an idea of art. For example Lillian Blades’ piece, Omotayo, it is a very interesting piece of art. She mixes colors and styles in that one piece of art and if she can do it I can do it also.
My friend Yasmin Ford begged me to come to the NAGB's fair that was held on July 28, for more hours for my community service. To tell you the truth I really didn’t want to come here, but I came to support the Gallery and because it was my first time coming here. I had an awesome time working on the drinks and serving snow cones. I wanted to come back and finish my community service after Saturday and I did.
Working with Ms. Benjamin and the others was a greet experience for me. The workers here are really nice and love to have fun, but when it comes to work they get right down to it to get it done. I admire that because it taught me that you could have fun, but know when enough is enough.
I also learned about some of the artist here like Amos Ferguson. I had no clue who he was or that he even existed until I came here at the gallery. I got to view a lot of his work and the other artists, like Lillian Blades. She is my favorite artist. I love The National Art Gallery and I do plan on coming back. I want to thank everybody who I worked with for having me here. You guys do an awesome job with The Gallery. My advice is to keep up the good work. ☺

Our lovely NAGB Interns, we'll miss them!
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